Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Set Default View Template

Included in the properties for each view is a field called 'Default View Template'.  You may (should) be using view templates in your project to control views, but did you know this parameter can be completely independent upon what is actually set in that particular view?

If you set the Default View Template in the properties of the view.  Then you (or someone else working on your project) can always tell which template should be applied, and if the template changes it is easy to right click and 're-apply all default view templates' to the view as opposed to going to each individual view and assigning a template.

  When you apply a view template to a view, this parameter will not change , so it is possible for the template which is applied to the view to differ from what is listed here, so you must be careful!  It could read template 'A', but template 'B' could actually be applied.  If you set this parameter when you create the view, then there will be no question on what template should be applied to that particular view and you will never run into the problem of one being applied to the view when in fact another is in use.