Thursday, May 17, 2012

Void Sweep Productivity Tip

I can't claim any credit for this tip as it was passed on to me by a colleague, but I thought it was very good so I thought I would pass it on. 

When creating void sweeps most all of us have probably done it via some sort of rectalinear shape (the profile we wanted subtracted out of a rectangle, meaning the other sides have straight lines joined 90 degrees)  This means one line for the arc defining the void and four lines creating the “box.”  I know I have personally never seen it done any other way, and know that I never do it any other way.

Well, apparently someone has been doing it the other way.  Upon modifying a family, it was discovered that they made the void profile out of 2 circles instead of an arc and 3 lines.  Not only does this mean 3 less lines in your void profile, but it also means that there is no reason to constrain it or worry that it will associate itself with something else in the family and thus flex inappropriately. 

This alternate method means two lines instead of 5.  If you use the Start – End – Radius Arc tool, it is seriously faster to draw.

Who does't want to be more efficient!