Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Quick Tip: Pasting Styles

If you've ever attempted to paste anything in Revit, you have probably noticed different options to paste.  ctrl-V, Paste Aligned, Paste in same place, Aligned to Current View... Which one do you choose?

Quick and simple, the different pasting options have to do with the internal coordinate system inherent within Revit that all views and objects have. 

Here is a quick list of all the options and what I have found them to do:
Aligned to Current View: Probably the safest option to use when pasting.  It pastes whatever you copied to the clipboard in the exact same position in the x-y axis as the original which was copied.  Use this to copy between levels.

Aligned to Same Place: Pastes the object in the exact same position (x, y, and z coordinates) as the original object.  This will almost always result in duplicate objects in the same place.

Paste from Clipboard: Pastes the object, but removes any internal coordinate associations with the object.  It attach's the object to your cursor and you paste it where you click.

Aligned to Picked Level: Have repetitive floor plates? Want to copy several objects between floors?  Copy the objects to your clipboard, flip to an elevation view and pick the level you want to paste them to.

Aligned to Selected Levels: Same as above, but you can pick more than one at a time.

All this info is available through the hover in the paste menu, but not all of us actually take the time to read and watch the video, but sometimes it helps to just read it.