I can't claim full credit for this post, because I ran across the idea on another blog hosted by The Revit Kid. He talks about using a feature in the view templates dialogue box which allows you to use the settings of another view. The added text below however is mine.
Use the exact same settings from another view if you don't know the settings which were applied.
When would this be useful? You need to apply a view template to the view, but don't know which template was used, and another member of the team is unavailable to ask, or they themselves don't know.
In the Apply View Template Dialogue box, there is a checkmark under the list of view templates that says 'Show Views'. This will list all the views of a particular type (controlled by the drop down box on the upper left). If you added a new elevation, and want it to look the same as another, check the box and then select the name of the view you want to duplicate and Revit will apply the same view parameters as that view.
This leads me into Wednesday's post. Tune in Wednesday to see another way to accomplish this.